Perfect for those of you who have no greeblies yet, or want to upgrade your entire greeblie collection. This extremely detailed and accurate greeblie pack includes all the metal HiC parts I offer, and gives you FREE PLASTIC GREEBLIES! Ordering this master pack allows you to grab the plastic parts for free! Plastic parts will come in grey nylon on a sprue.
These'll really make your panels stand out and show off the work you put into the build. This 100+ piece set includes more than 50 metal greeblies, more than 50 plastic greeblies, and is a one stop shop for greeblies. You're saving over $60 buying these all together!
- 4 small metal tubes
- 2 metal handles for hero panel
- 6 large D-cutout discs
- 2 metal knurled knobs
- 10 cup rings
- 18 open rings
- 20 u-clip heat sinks with accurate matching bolt and nut set ( 3 types of bolts and nuts!)
- both the grills for the hero panel with holes, and the no-hole grill for those of you wanting to make the second hero panel from ESB
Shipping separately are the grey free plastic greeblies:
- nipples
- t-sliders
- half-sphere dome
- and more!
This complete set includes
2 metal grills
20 metal u-clip heatsinks, nuts and bolts
40 piece metal greeblie pack
2 metal knurled knobs
This order comes with the free 40+ piece plastic greeblie pack that ships separately
Build notes
Check photos here as well as in the facebook HIC Han in Carbonite Builders group for accurate greeblie placement. Over time some greeblies have moved, replaced by restoration folks.