These are high quality, very sturdy yet hollow lightweight aluminum parts. They come in a set of five or eight. They are needed for anyone who is trying to build an accurate replica resistance pilot flight suit. The flares are worn around the leg of the flight suit. They are designed to be screen accurate and match the Rebel Legion's CRL requirements. They're manufactured hollow to make them even lighter weight. The full set of 5 weighs under a pound, and the set of 8 weights 1.5 pounds. Resistance pilots only need 5, Rogue One pilots need 8.
A hole is drilled in the side, so they can be riveted in place. Get a cheap harbor freight rivet gun if you don't have one, or just sew these in place.Rivets for attachment are included. Fabric parts are not included, but many folks offer those so you won't have to look far.
Rivets included.
A hole is drilled in the side, so they can be riveted in place. Get a cheap harbor freight rivet gun if you don't have one, or just sew these in place.Rivets for attachment are included. Fabric parts are not included, but many folks offer those so you won't have to look far.
Rivets included.