I've strived to create the most accurate, affordable replica dosimeters for your costuming needs. The tubes are machined aluminum and are created completely from scratch. The clips are also created from scratch; they are strong and sturdy made from spring steel.
The clips come in both finishes, bronze coated for Original Trilogy costumes or silver colored for the newer releases, just like the screen used dosimeters.
These RA Stephen & Company dosimeter replicas are also individually engraved with the model number 6665-110101 and a unique serial number, just like the originals, in the same font. These engravings are not visible when the code cylinder is in your pocket, so no one will see that this added extra accurate detail is there... but you'll know and have something extra to show off to other legion members that care about accuracy. :)
You're able to look through the blue anodized top and out through the black silicone cap. The black silicone cap is an optional addition but really completes the piece so feel free to add that if you'd like.
They measure 4.5" long and 5/8" in diameter. These are in stock and ready to ship from Baltimore.